Getting to Know Nico Play

Written + Interviewed by Jada Bennett AUG 15

Nicolás Perea born in Mexico City, is currently based in Chicago where he performs as Nico Play. Nicolás’s solo debut has been a string of single releases, a bilingual melange written in Spanish and English, each one filled with solid grooves and contemplative lyrics.

I had the honor of seeing Nico Play in his first live performance at The Hideout in Chicago. Nicolás performed along side Ebony Loren, Ondine, and DJ Wheelbite. As a recent fan of Nico Play, I was excited to be able to hear the songs that I so quickly fell in love with performed, but I don’t think anything could have prepared me for just how magical all of the performances were that night!

  1. You had your first live performance at The Hideout a few weeks ago! How was that experience for you?

    It was really special! My dad flew out and surprised me which was kind of crazy. Overall I feel like it was a really good learning experience, and I'm excited to play more live shows!

  2. Vivir Sin Ti is such a perfect song. How did it feel sharing something so close to you with an audience?

    Thank you! It was pretty intense honestly. There was a moment where I started choking up and had to pause, but the audience were really sweet and supportive about it.

  3. Aside from making music, do you have any additional creative pursuits? Alt: What do you like to do when you’re not making music?

    Not really - I'm kind of all in on the music these days. There's definitely other things I enjoy and may explore more in the future, but nothing I can really qualify as a current "pursuit".

  4. Favorite studio snack?

    If I had to pick, I'd say probably fruit would be my go-to studio snack. I just did a session where I ate an entire box of raw almonds, and I was literally in pain during the takes lol.

  5. In an interview with Born Loser you mentioned that the music industry is fucked LMAO! What’s something you would change about it if you could?

    Oof.. increasing royalty rates so artists get paid fairly would be a decent start. There's so much though... I feel like at its core, the way the industry is set up, everyone's either being taken advantage of or is taking advantage of someone.

  6. How would you describe Chicago’s music scene?

    I'd say it's probably one of the best in the country. There's a lot of amazing artists and events in Chicago. I have no experience with the music scene on the west coast, but of all the places I've been I think Chicago's music scene is right up there.

  7. One of BLKHAPPY’s major values focuses on how creatives find joy and pleasure overall in their craft. Which aspect(s) of making music brings you joy?

    I love writing, recording, and performing. They're such distinctly enjoyable aspects of making music. Where I find the most joy is probably when I'm playing around with new ideas. That's when I shut the world out.

  8. What song(s) do you have on repeat currently?

    I honestly haven't been listening to much music lately. I've been so immersed in writing and recording (part of which includes intensive listening to my own music) that I find myself just wanting to hear the birds chirping.

  9. Can’t leave the house without…

    Depends on the time of day and where I'm headed, but I generally like to come prepared.. I like to bring things like sunglasses, extra layers, or a swimsuit in my car just in case.

  10. What is something you like that no one else seems to like?

    Going out and not drinking. Sometimes it's nice to hang out and just drink water. People take it as such a statement - like you're acting abnormally. I wish it was more the norm to go out without the assumption that you're going to drink.

Nico Play - Discoteca (Official Video) Directed by Malcolm Ryshavy.


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