How to Become a BLKHAPPY Artist

Updated July 27 2024: BLKHAPPY Artist applications are on hold until further notice.

If you are interested in becoming involved with BLKHAPPY please reach out directly to and we will get back to you as soon as possible

  1. Make Something.

BLKHAPPY is an equal opportunity platform.

You don't need 100k on Instagram. You don't need to have a mile long CV. You don't even need to have shown a friend some painting you did. All you have to do is make something.

BLKHAPPY accepts painters, designers, musicians, photographers, models, printmakers, performance artists, ceramicists, illustrators, ANY and ALL creatives.

Once you've established that you are a person that makes stuff, there is one little thing that you absolutely have to do...

You have to care about what you're making.

"Art" and "creativity" mean a lot of things to a lot of people but if there's one thing we all share in our experience, it’s care.

If you don't care, come back when you do.

2. Apply on

Now that you care, it's time to apply!

The application to become a BLKHAPPY Artist is pretty slim. You need to tell us your name, where to reach you, what you do/would like to do, and what stage in the game you are in...the rest is up to you.

Once you've submit all the materials in the form, you'll be contacted within the week if you've been accepted!

3. Complete the Onboarding Process

You're in!

Once you've been accepted, you can expect a prompt onboarding form via email or DM’s, this form will ask for similar information to the application but what you put here is what the rest of the the community (and the internet) will see!

What are you waiting for?


β€œGuide to a Healthy Body” Interview with Jasmine Veronica