Guide to a Healthy Body II

Written + Photographed by Jasmine Veronica NOV 6

Photographed by Jasmine Veronica

Guide to a Healthy Body II is a continuation to my series Guide to a Healthy Body. While the first iteration was a documentation of my personal experience of what health looks like, or is expected of a person with my characteristics (black, female, fuller figured/“plus-size”); it was still an expanded critique of society's standard of health, beauty, and diet. 

After receiving the Creator’s Fund and starting graduate school, for lack of a better word, I felt stuck. I was in a space of  what next. I didn’t want to keep making the same work and talking about the same topics in the same way (black and white film, being nude in front of the camera, very stoic). On the other hand, I felt this non-existent pressure to keep my work the same. I mean I got into grad school with this work and I just received this major award, so I need to keep doing the same thing. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. At least that’s what I thought.

At the same time I’m having this internal crisis regarding my practice, I was also having a literal internal crisis with my body. While trying to navigate both struggles, I had a conversation with a faculty member and they said “I don’t think you’re enjoying what you’re doing. You’re not having fun anymore. Don’t be so serious. Just have fun.” Basically being called out about something I already knew, and was struggling with, was the push I needed to try something new and reimagine my practice. Thus birthing Guide to a Healthy Body II.

Presented as a photo essay, Guide to a Healthy Body II details my recent challenges within the healthcare system, being misdiagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and my relationship with my body.

You can view the full photo essay on


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