Soft Noise

Written by Jada Bennett NOV 13

Peach is a Chicago based photographer and writer working in collage, book-making and installation. Their work addresses the poetics and politics of looking and being looked at underneath the fist of hegemony. Peach is showing in their latest exhibition “Soft Noise”.

On Nov 11 2022, “Soft Noise” opened at The Plan in Chicago. Curated by Chris Reeves and Aaron Walker, “Soft Noise” includes work by artists Betsy Odom, Eileen Mueller, Peach, Willa Smart, Elena Ailes, Paige Naylor, and Academy Records’ - Stephen Lacy, Ro Lundberg, and Cathy Hsiao.

For a show about sound the work was delightfully diverse in it’s contributions!The exhibition includes sculpture, photos and performance all revolving around sound + “noise”

The opening was in true Chicago style, a fridge full of libations and a room full of beanies (myself included). The actual gallery space was located to the right of the room while the rest of the venue was populated as a functioning studio/workspace.

The show will close on Dec 2nd.

* All Documentation by Ethan Proia


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